
Tuesday 24 September 2019


Hello everyone! I’m just going to write riddles. Can you guess them?

I make two people out of one, who am I?

How can you make seven even?

How many seconds are there in a year?

What are moving left to right, right now?

What has no body and no nose?

A man in a car saw a gold door, silver door & a bronze door. What door did he open first?

What is the longest word in a dictionary?

The more there is the less you see. What is it?

What is the end of everything?

What is bigger than a grey elephant but weighs yet nothing?

A boy fell off a 100 foot ladder but he didn’t get hurt? How is that possible?

When it’s alive we sing, when it’s dead we clap. What is it?

I start with an e, I end with e. I contain one letter. But I’m not the letter e. What am I?

20 people jump in a pool filled with water and nothing else. After 24 head came back up. How?

What is full all day but empty at night?

What never uses its teeth for eating?

When is a clock dangerous?

Can you guess them all? List them!

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